Item List
Blockchain Technology and the Sustainable Supply Chain: Theoretically Exploring Adoption Barriers
This project identifies, analyzes, and explores existing and new governance systems for a blockchain-based sustainable supply chain. The primary goal is to aid in the adoption of blockchain technologies within supply chains, toward the promotion of sustainable practices.
Evaluating the Potential of Cooperative Ridesourcing: A Case Study of Arcade City in Austin, Texas
This evaluation of Arcade City Austin fills knowledge gaps and provides important and novel insights into the benefits and drawbacks of decentralized cooperative sharing platforms as compared to more prevalent centralized commercial approaches.
Investigating the Energy and Environmental Implications of Artificial Intelligence Applications in the Chemical Manufacturing Industry
This research project aims to address the data and analysis gaps that are critical for encouraging the adoption of artificial intelligence in chemical manufacturing. The researchers develop a metric-based framework to quantify the energy and environmental impacts of artificial intelligence applications in the chemical manufacturing industry.