The University of California, Berkeley recently announced the launch of the Bakar Institute of Digital Materials for the Planet (BIDMaP). The Institute will develop a new field of machine learning for experimental science — creating algorithms and designing platforms to optimize and accelerate the discovery, development, and the deployment of novel technologies. For example, the Institute aims to develop new chemistry and materials that would address the impacts of climate change.
BIDMaP is a research initiative developed as part of the Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS) at Berkeley. “BIDMAP will bring together the founder of an important new field in chemistry and the best artificial intelligence and machine learning group in the world to imagine and create a better future,” said Jennifer Chayes, associate provost for CDSS and dean of the School of Information.
The institute will host programs, workshops, and seminars on data science, machine learning and chemistry. It will also incubate, scale, and commercialize metal-organic framework technologies for widespread use in tackling climate change.