ICT Diffusion, Renewable Energy Consumption and Co2 Emissions in Sub-Saharan Africa
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This study analyses the direct effects of information and communication technology (ICT) on environmental quality and its indirect effect through an interaction term with renewable energy consumption for 48 Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries from 2005 to 2020. To this end, the study adopts panel pooled-OLS, fixed-effects, and random-effects models in conjunction with a more robust system-GMM. The findings reveal that increased energy use, urbanisation, and education dampen environmental quality over the investigated period while trade openness improves it. These outcomes suggest an urgent need to charter a viable route for environmental sustainability. More so, the study alludes that joint interaction between renewable energy and ICT diffusion spill-over improves the quality of the environment in SSA. This implies that the search for environmental sustainability is hidden in R&D-related investment in renewable energy technologies.
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