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Enabling Sustainability and Energy Awareness in Schools Based on IoT and Real-World Data

Reference Type: 

Journal Article

Mylonas, Georgios, Dimitrios Amaxilatis, Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, Aris Anagnostopoulos, and Federica Paganelli. 2018. “Enabling Sustainability and Energy Awareness in Schools Based on IoT and Real-World Data.” IEEE Pervasive Computing 17 (4): 53–63.

Few Internet of Things (IoT) systems monitoring energy consumption in buildings have focused on the educational community. IoT in the educational domain can jump-start a process of sustainability awareness and behavioral change towards energy savings, as well as provide tangible financial savings. We present a real-world multi-site IoT deployment, comprising 19 school buildings, aiming at enabling IoT-based energy awareness and sustainability lectures, promoting energy-saving behaviors supported by IoT data. We discuss scenarios where IoT-enabled applications are integrated into school life, providing an engaging and hands-on approach, based on real data, generating value in terms of educational and energy savings outcomes. We also present a set of first results, based on the analysis of school-building data, which highlight potential ways to identify irregularities and inefficiencies.

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