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Rapid learning of bearing signal pattern using CfCs promoted by a self-attention mechanism

Reference Type: 

Journal Article

Yang, Yanli, Weisheng Pan, and Huimin Zhou. 2023. “Rapid Learning of Bearing Signal Pattern Using CfCs Promoted by a Self-Attention Mechanism.” Measurement Science and Technology 35 (3): 035010.

Deep learning is helpful for improving the fault recognition ability of bearings, but this kind of model relies on a large number of training samples and computing resources. In this paper, an algorithm termed a closed-form continuous-depth neural network (CfC) assisted by an information compression-interaction (ICI) module and spatial conjunction attention (SCA) module (CfC-ISCA) is proposed. The ICI module extracts the main features of input signals, the SCA module is designed for positioning target features and capturing more useful features, and the CfC module is used to further fuse features and achieve rapid learning of samples. This algorithm can learn bearing fault signal patterns rapidly and has excellent fault identification ability under small sample conditions. Some public datasets are used to validate the model performance. The test results show that the proposed CfC-ISCA algorithm has comprehensive advantages in fault signal recognition, consumption of computing resources and fast learning compared to comparative methods.

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