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Information Technologies and Corporate Social Responsibility in China

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Li, Qian, Zhu Rongcheng, Yann Truong, and Jiatang Guo. 2022. “Information Technologies and Corporate Social Responsibility in China.” SSRN Scholarly Paper. Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network (SRRN).

Our study examines the impact of the diffusion of the Internet on two important CSR practices among Chinese manufacturing firms: Corporate donation and environmental pollution. Based on the data of listed industrial firms operating in manufacturing sectors in China between 2010 and 2018, we run a series of regressions to examine the impact of Internet penetration on the two CSR practices of Chinese firms. We found that the diffusion of the Internet has a positive non-linear impact on donation and pollution. Our findings advance research on the impact of macro-level technologies on firms’ micro-level responses to stakeholder social concerns.

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